Photoshoot Procedures
Properties should ideally be vacated for duration of photoshoot
Properties should be 100% ready to shoot before photographers arrival. This includes every light turned on, blinds open, doors open, fans off, counters clear. Staging done by either stager or homeowner should be finished, prior to my arrival.
If the property is vacant and being accessed by lockbox; lights etc do not need to be turned on prior to arrival.
The ideal solution is that homes be on a lockbox
(All must be done BEFORE scheduled shoot time)- None of these get photographed unless requested in advance: closets, laundry room, garage, powder rooms.
Closets, Laundry, Garage and powder rooms will be captured in Matterport tours
Open all blinds
Open all curtains
Only raise blinds if there is view
Please turn all ceiling fans off
Lights - please turn on all lights, including small lamps and exteriors lights
Replace any non functioning bulbs
Using daylight balanced bulbs looks much better in photos than yellow/orange (warm bulbs)
Clutter Clutter Clutter
Remove anything that isn’t furniture or something that makes the home look more comfortable
INCLUDING: - fridge magnets, tissues, piles of paperwork, paper towels, remote controls, dish soap dispensers, cleaning tools, everything except the lamps on nightstands
- Hide all interior trash cans especially in the bathrooms and kitchenBathrooms
Clean and dry shower doors
Close your toilet seats
Remove small trash cans from view
office desks can have an open computer
try and tidy cables/chargers, as best as possible
Make the beds
Fluff the pillows
Do not stash things under the bed,
Close all closet doors.
Declutter the nightstands
Remove all vehicles from the outside of the property.
Park in such a place where they can't be seen from inside
Grass need watering? Mowing? Raking? Then water, mow, or rake.
Pet - clean up after them in the yard, hide toys, crates, food and water bowls, litter boxes
Security sign outside - hide it
Hoses should be coiled/rolled up or, better yet, out of sight.
Pool vacuums - removed from pool (do not leave a trail of water)
Patio umbrellas open
Garbage cans – in the garage or out of sight, even from the side view of the home
Outdoor Furniture
wipe the table, chairs off and consider simple placemats and dishes
open patio umbrellas
remove BBQ covers
clean and accessories such as charcoal, tools or lighters out if sight
Seasonal Items
Remove everything seasonal
holiday lights, blow-up Santa, pumpkins, 4th of July decorations
Turnaround time
Photos are normally delivered within 48 hours of the shoot time.
Photoshoots that take place on Friday afternoons may not be delivered until the following Monday.
Videos are normally delivered with 48 hours of the shoot.
Lots and Acreage
Please provide map showing lot lines BEFORE shoot date as well as any particular views you want captured.
It is much preferred than nobody be on site for these shoots to to the additional work required to digitally edit out people and vehicles from images.
Postponement and Cancellation
Postponement or Cancellation must be done with a minimum of 48hours notice
E-mail or text are the methods of contact to cancel/postpone
Less than 24 hours notice incurs the minimum fee of $120
Question: Whats the best time of day to photograph my property?
Answer: There is no perfect time to shoot. As a very general rule for regular daylight shots, the best time is when it looks best to you. This is often when the front of the building is in full sun. It rarely looks best if the sun is behind the house and in the shot when shooting the front exterior.
So if the house faces east, morning is normally best, if west, then afternoon is often good. Often the back of a home may be a more important photo than the front, especially of there is a pool or some other high end landscaping or view.
For twilight shots, these are shot approximately 5-10 minutes after official sunset time and will finish 15-20 minutes after sunset.